An Oily Mouth

Yesterday I was able to spend the day with my older sister who lives in Salt Lake City. A few years ago we found out she had a brain tumor. And although it went to remission after experimental treatments through Harvard and chemotherapy, the tumor is back. Any who is not familiar with “The Gerson Miracle” should go change their lives right now by watching this hourish long documentary that is currently on Netflix. #NetflixJunkie

I’m sensing a review on “The Gerson Miracle” in my near future…

Overall, what my sister is now doing (because of her inspiration from the Gerson Therapy) is eliminating all toxins in her life. From shaving cream, the water you bathe with, to oil pulling. I had heard of oil pulling before- but I wasn’t quite sure on the technique or what it was supposed to do for you. Obviously as one of the few earthy and aware people in the community I jumped all over this Aryuvedic practice. It’s an ancient Indian technique that has been around for about 3,000-5,000 years. Literally when I got home from work I went to my bathroom, pulled out the organic extra-virgin coconut oil and went to town.

From what I’ve gathered, sesame oil seems to be the choice organic oil to use when oil pulling. However, people have claimed amazing results with coconut oil, olive oil, and other kinds as well. Oil pulling is recommended first thing in the morning before eating or drinking. Taking 1-2 Tablespoons of oil, swish the oil slowing in your mouth for at least 10 minutes, but ideally 20 minutes. This can also be repeated before bed if you have an empty stomach. Do not gargle or swallow! This warning has shown up on every article I’ve read on oil pulling. The oil is full to the brim with microbes and toxins. Obviously, the idea behind oil pulling is to eliminate and remove toxins. Not to swallow them. Doesn’t take a genius to figure that out, but hey, I’m sure people have and still do it.


Now oil pulling is attached to the idea that the oil is pulling out the destructive and harmful toxins in your body and such. The evidence that proves this statement isn’t really out there. People don’t seem to know how it really works. Some suggest that since it is improving your oral health, it improves other aspects of your body and it’s organs. Think of it like plaque and how your dental health is correlated with your cardiovascular or heart health. Same idea.

Some of the claimed benefits of oil pulling include eliminating bad breath, dry face, dull senses, exhaustion, anorexia, loss of taste, impaired vision, sore throat, all kapha related imbalances, prevention of decay, oral malodor, bleeding gums, dryness of throat, cracked lips, strengthening teeth, gums and the jaw, can kick start weight loss, aid in prevention of chronic disease, and detoxify the body.

A study done by The Indian Journal of Dental Research stated that oil pulling was just as effective as using name-brand chlorhexidine mouthwashes. And who wants to put a harsh chemical such as chlorhexidine in their mouth when your dental health is directly related to the health of your body? #QuestionsWithoutAnyGoodAnswers

So like I said I started oil pulling last night the minute I walked into my bedroom. And then again first thing this morning. I already notice that I have sores on the back of my tongue, I have an annoying toothache, a headache, and am feeling a little crumby. Not too bad though, kind of just a nuisance. I’m thinkin’ it’s more than just coincidence. Thoughts?



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